In 2019 I authored the schwad_performance_logger gem to solve a problem that seemingly only I had. I wanted a thin DSL for get_process_mem, memory_profiler, benchmark-ips and time performance.

I wanted to package up these tools together and have easy access to them. With one line of code I can get all the information I want.

This weekend I shipped an update.

Better rendering

The current output of #log_performance used to be a sloppy mess. I didn’t care because it was my gem. Well I care now. Let’s clean that up.

Before v0.5


After v0.5


Better UX

  • #log_performance is a bit verbose if you’re using it a lot. There’s also now a #lp alias to save your fingers if you want.
  • Block syntax! I’m super excited about this. I often found I wanted to inspect the performance of a “chunk” of code along the way. But I’d have to do two logs - before and after the block. Now you can wrap that up neatly in a block and the logger will let you know performance details within the block.
  • Cleanups. The raw logger used to always start memos with “Starting #{your_memo}”, now, it’s just your memo. CSV now has headers. Logfile writing output is cleaned up a bit

Before v0.5


After v0.5
